KBMP members and cooperating organizations collect a vast amount of water quality and related data throughout the Klamath Basin. Building off previous efforts to map monitoring locations in 2014 and 2015, the 2019-2020 KBMP Monitoring Location Map allows users to display monitoring metadata for specific parameters, download metadata, link to real-time data, download data in CEDEN, and much more.
The KBMP Monitoring Location Map for 2019 and 2020 allows you to:
- View 977 unique monitoring locations where data was collected
- See monitoring by 30 organizations
- Examine and download monitoring metadata (seasonality and frequency of each monitored parameter)
- Select layers to uniquely display any of the 68 parameters being monitored
- Follow links to real-time reporting sites to get up to the hour information for hydrologic conditions, water quality data, weather, and more
- Follow links to our partner organizations websites to learn more or request data
Click on the map below to start!