KBMP Committees - Roles and Responsibilities

KBMP members

KBMP members are encouraged to participate in full group meetings, serve on KBMP committees, implement water quality monitoring plan, submit data to coordinator, provide input when requested, and participate in decisions.


Steering Committee

Steering Committee membership reflects the diversity in the basin, with the composition of members including, federal, state (Oregon and California), tribal, non-profit, and private enterprises. The Steering Committee facilitates full group meetings; sets meeting agendas; and guides the KBMP as a whole in an effort to keep workflow going outside of full group meetings. The Steering Committee makes decisions regarding external communication and protocols regarding internal policies and procedures. The steering committee works with the various committees and KBMP staff in an effort to implement the mission and the vision of the program. The Steering Committee defines and applies criteria for disbursement of funds, prioritizes program elements, and provides long-term strategies for program success.

The Steering Committee operates through consensus and collaboration. Each member has equal voice. The chair, co-chair and secretary of the committee shall be elected every year. The role of the chair confers no additional powers or privileges; the co-chair may serve as an alternate to the chair. The role of the chair is to facilitate the meetings and uphold the gradients of agreement. The role of the secretary is to take meeting notes and distribute to members and post on the website, if appropriate. The secretary also records meeting notes at the annual member meeting and facilitates the approval process prior to distribution.


Name/Alternate Organization Role
Crystal Robinson Quartz Valley Indian Reservation Chair
Lyra Cressey Salmon River Restoration Council Co-Chair
Matt Hanington Yurok Tribe Environmental Program Secretary
Rick Carlson U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Member
Clayton Creager North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Member
Mike Deas Watercourse Engineering Inc. Member
Grant Johnson Karuk Tribe Member
Melissa Olson The Nature Conservancy Member
Mike Riney Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District Member
Greg Laurie U. S. Forest Service/ Klamath National Forest Member
Gail Louis U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Member
Betsy Stapleton Scott River Watershed Council Member
Jodi Pontureri State Water Resources Control Board Member
Demian Ebert PacifiCorp Member
Eli Asarian Riverbend Sciences Member
Mike Hiatt Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Member
Bhaskar Joshi/ Cornelis Hakim Caltrans Member
Randy Turner Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Member

Steering Committee 2020 Meeting Schedule

January 22, 2020
March, 2020 TBD
TBD (Spring Meeting for all members)
TBD (Fall Meeting for all members)

Monitoring Plan Committee

The  monitoring plan committee is responsible for reviewing, updating and maintaining the QAPrP and the various associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on an  as needed basis.  The monitoring plan committee is responsible for the development of the water quality monitoring program plan.  The monitoring plan committee coordinates with KBMP staff to develop the technical content of the monitoring plan and makes recommendations to the Steering Committee regarding the prioritization of the various components of the monitoring plan.  Please refer to the Monitoring Plan for a more detailed description of the role of the Monitoring Committee (http://www.kbmp.net/documents).


Name Organization Role
Randy Turner Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Chair
Lyra Cressey Salmon River Restoration Council Member
Crystal Robinson Quartz Valley Indian Reservation Member


Strategic Plan/ Funding Committee

The funding / strategic plan committee identifies funding sources in an effort to implement KBMP program elements, special studies and monitoring plan objectives with the direction of the KBMP steering committee and membership.  Please refer to the Strategic Plan for a more detailed description of the role of the Funding / Strategic Plan Committee. (http://www.kbmp.net/documents).


Name Organization Role
Lyra Cressey Salmon River Restoration Council Chair
Crystal Robinson Quartz Valley Indian Reservation Member
Clayton Creager North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Member
Josh Smith Watershed Research and Training Center Member
Randy Turner Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Member



Blue-green Algae Committee

The blue-green algae committee coordinates BGA monitoring activities, implements protocols for listing and delisting of water bodies, share BGA monitoring data and implements the California / Oregon public health guidance regarding BGA blooms.  Please refer to the KBMP website for a more detailed description of the role of the Blue-green Algae Committee (http://www.kbmp.net/collaboration/klamath-blue-green-algae-workgroup).


Name Organization Role
Sue Keydel U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Chair
Rick Carlson U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Member
Susan Fricke Karuk Tribe Member
Clayton Creager North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Member
Demian Ebert PacifiCorp Member
Randy Turner Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Member



Work Groups

Work groups are comprised of experts in a particular field and advise the steering committee. For example, work groups may include the, Klamath Fish Health workgroup and the Tribal Water Quality workgroup.