On November 13, 2008, the United States, the states of California and Oregon, and PacifiCorp executed an Agreement in Principle (AIP) describing a framework for possible removal of several PacifiCorp's dams on the Klamath River. Interim Measure 12 of the AIP stipulated a water quality monitoring program, including on-going monitoring of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and associated toxins. Water quality monitoring conducted in 2009 was conducted under the plan: AIP Interim Measure 12: Water Quality Monitoring Activities, Monitoring Year 2009.

The Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) signed on February 18, 2010, supersedes the AIP. Interim Measure 15 of KHSA states that PacifiCorp shall fund long-term baseline water quality monitoring to support dam removal, nutrient removal, and permitting studies, and also will fund blue-green algae (BGA) and BGA toxin monitoring as necessary to protect public health. PacifiCorp will provide funding of $500,000 per year for this measure, and that monitoring will be performed by an entity or entities agreed upon by the parties to the KHSA and in consultation with the appropriate water quality agencies. The funding provided by PacifiCorp under Interim Measure 15 is not intended to replace existing funding for ongoing monitoring efforts by other parties and programs, but is intended to coordinate PacifiCorp's monitoring efforts with other ongoing monitoring efforts, and to involve the KHSA signatories (Parties) and the responsible water quality agencies in this coordination. Monitoring will be performed by the Parties within their areas of regulatory compliance or Tribal responsibility, or alternatively, by an entity or entities agreed upon by the Parties and in consultation with the appropriate water quality agencies.


  • Provide data on cyanobacteria and related toxins in a timely manner to support public health decisions.
  • Support the science in the dam removal framework.
  • Improve the current understanding of seasonal, annual, and long-term variations in a wide range of water quality parameters for Klamath River from Link Dam to the estuary. A system wide approach is necessary because influences from upstream sources extend downstream.
  • Form a long-term program that help capture the effects of other activities in the system potentially affecting water quality in the Klamath River, regulatory actions (e.g., Biological Opinions, adjudications, etc.), potential climate change impacts, fires, and land use activities, as well as other factors.
  • Provide a long-term baseline data set of water quality conditions that can be readily extended to assess impacts of management actions and restoration processes, including:
  • Clearly identifying current conditions for a wide range of hydrology, meteorology, and water quality conditions.
  • Identifying and quantifying potential water quality changes, impacts, and implementation measures.
  • Determining progress towards restoration of the river system and evaluation of possible mitigation measures to minimize long term impacts or promote/accelerate recovery
  • Collect data under a consistent Quality Assurance (QA) framework
  • Disseminate data in a timely fashion.

Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling- KHSA Annual Reports *


* PacifiCorp has addressed inconsistencies with the data contained in the original reports and added errata to these reports in January 2018. Please note the updated data.

KHSA Monitoring Plans

2013   Appendix A   
2014   Appendix A       



Final Data

KHSA Water Quality Monitoring Data

2009* (Updated 4/19/18)
2010* (Updated 11/8/17)
2011* (Updated 9/21/17)
2012* (Updated 9/22/17)
2013* (Updated 9/26/17)
2014* (Updated 10/4/17)
* (Updated 10/4/17)

* PacifiCorp has addressed inconsistencies with the data contained in the original data files, which have been re-uploaded in January 2018. Please note the updated data.

2017 KHSA Data Review Memo

Karuk Phytoplankton Data - 2012

Yurok Periphyton Data - 2012

Yurok Phytoplankton Data - 2012

PacifiCorp Phytoplankton and Nutrient Data - 2012

Yurok Phytoplankton Data - 2011

Karuk Phytoplankton Data - 2011

USBR Phytoplankton Data - 2011

PacifiCorp Data - All Years - Link

KHSA Special Studies

Periphyton Study 2011

Periphyton Study 2012

Lab Cross Comparisons

Other Documents

Cyanobacteria SOP


QA Comparison Tables - 2010

Provisional Data

Please contact contributing agencies regarding terms of use. Additional data are available, see link at bottom of page.

Yurok KHSA Data 2010

Karuk KHSA Data 2010

SONDE Data: Salmon, Scott, Shasta, Seiad Valley, Orleans

U. S. Bureau of Reclamation 2010

PacifiCorp 2010

Please contact the following individuals regarding additional data and terms of use.

Yurok Tribe - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Karuk Tribe - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Bureau of Reclamation - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PacifiCorp - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

KBMP Member Reports and Additional Data

Available here