The Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team (KFHAT) is a technical workgroup which formed during the summer of 2003 with the purpose of providing early warning and a coordinated response effort to avoid, or at least address, a non-hazardous materials related fish kill event in the anadromous portion of the Klamath River basin.

To accomplish this goal, KFHAT created a network through which information about current river and fish health conditions in the Klamath Basin can be quickly shared among participants, the general public, and resource managers.

Current Readiness Levels:

KlamathFishIcon redKlamath Mainstem (IGH to Mouth), Salmon River, SF Trinity - Red

KlamathFishIcon orangeScott and Shasta Rivers, Mainstem Trinity River, Trinity Tributaries - Orange  


  • Conditions, such as unfavorable physical or chemical conditions, observation of increased incidence of pathogens, or increased fish morbidity and/or mortality suggest the need for heightened awareness.
  • Frequent data sharing among KFHAT and resource managers becomes important.
  • The Response Plan procedures should be reviewed and responders should be ready to take action if the situation worsens.

Read more about the Readiness Levels

Readiness Level Map 

KFHAT Klamath Salmon SF Trinity Red Scott Shasta Trinity Trin Tribs Orange The KFHAT map presents the readiness level for the Klamath Basin below Iron Gate dam in a visual format.  

Report sick or dead fish - Call (800) 852-7550   Flyer for Klamath and Trinity Rivers

For Additional Information Contact:

Dan Troxel - California Department of Fish and Wildlife (KFHAT Coordinator)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 707-822-0330 

Fish Health Updates:
