The Integrated Fisheries Monitoring and Restoration Plan (IFRMP) is a collaborative effort to restore native fish in the Klamath Basin. Led by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) and implemented by ESSA, the vision is to advance the restoration and recovery of native fish species from the headwaters to the Pacific Ocean, while improving flows, water quality, habitat, and ecosystem processes.
IFRMP Plan Vision (December 2017)
IFRMP Klamath Synthesis Report (August, 2017)
The next stage of the project (September 2017 to approx. September 2018) will develop a clear vision for restoration in the Klamath Basin, establish subregional workgroups, develop a suite of conceptual models for each phase of restoration, establish a clear objectives hierarchy and key performance indicators (including interim benchmarks, decision criteria and triggers). With agreement on problem definition and objectives from the preceding steps, restoration co-managers, practitioners and interested participants will be engaged to help map candidate restoration actions, assessments and monitoring approaches that may need to be made annually and periodically during each phase of restoration. Because the process of identifying gaps in –– and priorities for –– restoration actions and monitoring tools tends to be highly influenced by opinion, we will conclude the next phase of work (called “Task 1.2”) with the development of an initial prioritization framework that will support the more rigorous and definitive prioritization effort carried out under the subsequent phase in 2018-2019 (called “Task 1.3”). Throughout our work, we aim to integrate innovative concepts and approaches from similar planning efforts developed for other basins such as the Trinity and Elwha. We continue to collect contemporary documents, plans, studies, and data related to fish habitat restoration and monitoring. Documents and data collected during this process will be catalogued in the searchable Document Library on this website.
If you have relevant information you think should be included please contact the IFRMP staff via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.