This page contains links to organizations that are involved in water quality and other related monitoring within the Klamath Basin. Where possible, we include links to local area offices, annual reports, data, and other information. For research papers, please check out the KBMP Document Library. If you have any reports, data, or other information that should be included here, please email KBMP Coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Tribal Water Quality Work Group is comprised of the heads of environmental departments of the Yurok, Hoopa Valley, and Karuk Tribes, the Quartz Valley Indian Community, and the Resighini Rancheria. The group was formed in 2003, following a massive adult salmon kill in September 2002. The Work Group's stated purpose is "to prevent future disasters through sound scientific research, data analysis, and thorough planning." While the Work Group collaborates on research and shares information, it takes no collective positions, but defers to individual Tribes to offer policy statements. Each Tribe exercises authority over Reservation waters (see Tribal WQ Authority). Some Tribes also acquire designated authority as co-managers of water quality from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Links to reports and other documents are available on their website. Hoopa Tribe website provides a description of the water quality program, locations, equipment, and reports. Data are available through the EPA's Water Quality Portal (WQX). The Karuk Tribe data portal provides real-time data for SONDE locations throughout the Mid-Klamath. Annual Water Quality Reports Mainstem Klamath, Shasta, Scott, and Salmon Rivers Blue Green Algae Reports 2009 Middle Klamath River Toxic Cyanobacteria Trends Regulatory Documents Quality Assurance Project Plan Data The Karuk Tribe data portal provides real-time data for continuous sonde data (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity) throughout the Mid-Klamath. Annual Water Quality Reports * The USBR discontinued funding for The Klamath Tribes water quality monitoring in 2019 for both Upper Klamath Lake and tributaries and sampling in 2020 was limited to six stations within UKL. The Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium website provides access to additional reports and research. Data Discrete grab sample data (nutrients, etc.) for Upper Klamath Lake and tributaries is available on the federal Water Quality Portal (WQX). The QVIR website provides general information about the natural resources program. The Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium website provides access to additional selected reports. Annual Water Quality Reports 2009 2010 2019 Data Discrete grab sample data (nutrients, etc.) are available for download on the federal Water Quality Exchange (WQX) database. The Resighini Rancheria website provides general information about the rancheria and contact information. Data are available through STORET. Data are also available through the Water Quality Exchange (WQX) STORET. Annual Reports (not available for all years) Nutrient Bacteria The Bureau of Land Management website provides restoration project description for regions surrounding Upper Klamath Lake. Data and reports are not currently available on-line. Klamath River Basin Study (Full Report) (Summary) (Appendices) USBR, USGS, and other historical water quality data (WQ Mapper) Quarterly USBR water quality data (xls) USBR, USGS, and Others Flow Sites USBR Weather sites including Klamath Basin locations Link River and Keno Dam real time temp and flow (Data Link); Regional Baseline Monitoring and Special Investigation Projects (Database) ADAPS - Continuous Sondes (Data Link) Reclamation Information Sharing Environment (RISE) - USBR open data system for viewing, accessing, and downloading water and water-related data. Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office- The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service website provides access to reports and maps of monitoring locations. Data request forms are here. Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office Fremont-Winema, Klamath, Six Rivers, Trinity, Shasta, and Modoc National Forests, AREMP The U. S. Forest Service websites provide access to project description and reports. Data request forms are available. The U.S. Geological Survey website provides graphs and tables of streamflow and water-quality data from selected sites in the State of Oregon. Data are also available on the National Water Information System (NWIS). Nutrient and Sediment Loading to Upper Klamath Lake Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring Program in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon Klamath River Basin Water-Quality Data Primer USGS Klamath River Basin Water Quality Mapper Trinity River Restoration Program The IIMS Data Web Portal project is an evolving project and is currently under development. The functionality of the website and data holdings will continue to be expanded through the end of 2009. The priority datasets for inclusion during Fall 2009 include: sediment transport, water temperature, and cross-sections. Currently the data web portal consists of four main tools: Data Query Tool, Document Library, Time Series Analyst, and Interactive Map. Klamath/Trinity Program Biological Information Documents - Annual reports, spawning survey documents, Steelhead surveys, Fall Chinook megatables, etc. The CDWR website provides project information. Data and reports are available through CDEC as well as through their Water Data Library. The NCRWQCB website provides project information and reports. Data are available through the CEDEN website. The ODEQ website provides project information and reports. Data are available through the AWQMS website. View ODEQ latest annual Status and Trends report and Appendix G with data for the Klamath Basin. The ODA develops agricultural water quality plans and ensures rule compliance to prevent and control water quality pollution. The Shasta Valley RCD website provides information regarding projects in the Shasta Valley, newsletters, and reports. The Siskiyou RCD conducts projects in the Siskiyou region, newsletter, and reports are available. The Trinity RCD website provides information regarding projects in Trinity county, newsletters, and reports. As part of the dam removal agreement, PacifiCorp has agreed to fund a long-term (10 year) baseline water quality monitoring study, including nutrient monitoring, special studies, and blue-green algae monitoring as necessary to protect public health. Data are also available at the link above. The PacifiCorp data portal provides water quality monitoring data and reports. Timbervest Website unavailable. Website provides general information about the program, projects, and reports The Mid Klamath Watershed Council provides general information and refugia monitoring project description. The Nature Conservancy website provides information about the Williamson River Delta and Big Springs Ranch restoration projects and reports. Data are not currently available on-line. The SRRC website provides access to publications, water quality monitoring data, interactive map, and volunteer opportunities. Evidence of Climate-Driven Increases in Salmon River Water Temperatures The Scott River Watershed Council provides access to background information, groundwater projects, Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs), and other restoration projects. The Watershed Research and Training Center provides access to background information and projects including temperature monitoring in the Trinity / South Fork Trinity River Basin.
Tribal Water Quality Monitoring
Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium
Hoopa Tribe
Karuk Tribe
Karuk Tribes Toxic Cyano In Copco-Irongate Reservoirs; 2005 Final Report
Microcystin Bioaccumulation in Klamath River Fish and Freshwater Mussel Tissue: Preliminary 2007 Results
Water Quality Control Plan (2014)
SOP for Surface Water E. coli
Discrete grab sample data (nutrients, etc.) for the Karuk Tribe is available on the EPA's Water Quality Portal (WQX).
Klamath Tribes - Klamath, Modoc, Yahooskin Tribes
Upper Klamath Lake (UKL)
2019 N/A*
Tributaries to UKL
2019 N/A*
2020 N/A*
Discrete data for years 1990-2013 are also available on CEDEN and CD3.
Discrete water quality data for 1990-2020 are also available as an Excel file (Uploaded on 5/24/2021).
Quartz Valley Indian Reservation
Continuous sonde (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity) and other data is available This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Resighini Rancheria
Yurok Tribe
Federal Water Quality Monitoring
Bureau of Land Management
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation
-The 2019 Klamath River Basin Study took a comprehensive approach to evaluate historical and projected future water supply and demand over the entire Klamath watershed, and identified a range of strategies to best address these imbalances and meet users’ needs in the Basin.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Water temperature data and models are available for the Klamath Basin through the Forest Service's NorWeST project.
U.S. Geological Survey
State Water Quality Monitoring
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Water Resources
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon Department of Agriculture
County Water Quality Monitoring
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
Trinity Resource Conservation District
Private Water Quality Monitoring
Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement Monitoring (KHSA)
Non-Profit Water Quality Monitoring
Klamath Basin Rageland Trust
Mid Klamath Watershed Council
The Nature Conservancy
Salmon River Restoration Council
Scott River Watershed Council
Watershed Research and Training Center
Other Resources
Select member organizations provide water quality data through CEDEN. The California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) is a growing statewide cooperative effort of various groups involved in the water and environmental resources of the State of California. This network is open to federal, state, county and private organizations interested in sharing data throughout the state. The purpose of the CEDEN network is to allow the exchange of water and environmental data between groups and to provide access to the public. DOTABLES is an on-line program developed by USGS that generates tables of dissolved oxygen (DO) solubility values and (or) salinity correction factors over a range of user-specified values for water temperature, barometric pressure, and salinity or specific conductance. In addition to generating tables, DOTABLES can compute a single-value of oxygen solubility and percent saturation for a specific instance of temperature, pressure, and salinity. Water Quality Portal (WQP) contains data connected to the federal National Water Information System (NWIS) and STOrage and RETrieval Water Quality Exchange (STORET), from USGS, EPA, tribes, NGOs, and academic groups. For users of WQP, there is a tutorial for the statistical program R here that outlines techniques to help retrieve and format water quality data. (California and Oregon) Sites list TMDLs developed for the Klamath Basin. Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act and 40 CFR §130.7 require states to identify waterbodies that do not meet water quality standards and are not supporting their beneficial uses. These waters are placed on the Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments, also known as the 303(d) List of Impaired Waterbodies. The list identifies the pollutant or stressor causing impairment and establishes a schedule for developing a control plan to address the impairment. Placement on this list generally triggers development of a pollution control plan called a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for each waterbody and associated pollutant / stressor on the list. CA TMDL Report Cards for Phosphorus and Nutrients, Dissolved Oxygen, and Microcystin The Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team (KFHAT) is supported by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and California Department of Fish and Game and is made up of federal and state agencies, tribes, private organizations, and other interested individuals that share a concern for fish health in the anadromous portions of the Klamath Basin. The KBMP Document Library is an online repository of documents relevant to the water quality and fisheries of the Klamath River. The Klamath Basin Decision Support System (DSS) is the vision of the Klamath County Board of Commissioners, a vision which quite simply, is to allow a broad and diverse audience access to a common base of resource data for the Klamath Basin.
California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN)
California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN)
On-Line Resources
On-line Resources
Klamath Basin TMDLs
Klamath Basin TMDLs
Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team (KFHAT)
Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team
KBMP Document Library
Klamath Basin Monitoring Program - Document Library
Klamath Basin DSS
Klamath Basin DSS