With Fish on the Brink of Extinction, Tribes Say Government Must Act

June 21st, 2021- The Klamath Tribes step in to make sure the government enforces water rules.

Klamath Spring Chinook Receive New State Protections

June 20th, 2021- CA's Fish and Game Commission lists spring Chinook as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Irrigators Say They Plan to Force Open Klamath Headgates and Release Water

June 3rd, 2021- A plan to break in and release water to farmers is likely to trigger a standoff with the federal government.

Dead In the Water: Serious Fish Kill Consumes the Klamath River

June 3rd, 2021- A catastrophic fish kill has ripped through juvenile salmon in the Klamath River between Iron Gate and the Pacific Ocean. 

Employment Opportunity with Karuk Tribe- Water Resources Technician I

May 26th, 2021- The Karuk Tribe is hiring for a technician in their water quality program. The job posting has been extended past the May 21st closure date.

No Spring 2021 KBMP Meeting

May 19th, 2021- Due to a lack of funding for KBMP, we will not be having a KBMP meeting this spring. Funding is expected by early summer so please save your presentation ideas for a Fall meeting. 

Klamath Fish Health (KFHAT)- Readiness Level at RED

May 10, 2021- The Readiness Level for the mainstem Klamath is at RED based on severe infections for juvenile Chinook and for increasing water temperatures and high Ceratonova shasta spore counts. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any updates.

KDD Begins Water Deliveries, USBR Orders it to Cease

April 19, 2021- USBR orders KDD to 'immediately cease diversions from the Klamath River'. 

Tensions Rise in Water Battle along OR-CA Line

April 13, 2021- Water allocation decision this week highlight competing demands over a vanishing natural resource.

Klamath Basin Megatable for 2020 Released

2/1/2021- CDFW Megatable summarizes 2020 Fall-Run Chinook escapement and comparisons going back to 1978.

New KBMP Monitoring Location Map for 2019-2020 

December 31, 2020- New KBMP interactive map shows monitoring metadata for 30 organizations at 977 locations.

Job Announcement- District Manager- Shasta Valley RCD

December 14, 2020- See the Shasta Valley RCD job announcement here. Closes on 1/13/2021.

KBMP Fall 2020 Meeting- Presentations Available as PDF's

November 12, 2020- View presentations on climate change, fisheries, Trinity River, and Dam removal. 

The Rebirth of a Historic River

November 12, 2020- It's the crumbling of how we interact with that natural environment, because there's no fish.

Worms, Parasites, and a New Data Portal to Help Salmon

September 28, 2020- A salmon disease data portal will be developed to help improve collaboration. 

It's Algae Season on the Klamath River- Again

September 4, 2020- Cyanobacteria blooms in Copco and Iron Gate up to 2,300x CA's danger level.

A Faster Track for Ecosystem Restoration

August 24, 2020- Smarter environmental permitting can speed up badly needed restoration projects.

Winners, Lowers, and What Emerges if Dams Disappear

August 24, 2020- Dam removal may bring restoration into balance with human needs.

Klamath Tribes Letter Asks for No More Delay on Dam Removal

August 24, 2020- Letter outlines harms to tribal rights to maintain way of life with dam removal delays.

Wildlife Refuges Battle Botulism Outbreak, Worsened by Water Shortage

August 24, 2020- Little to no water has led to the worst botulism outbreak in years.

Fish Pens Help Scientists ID what's Harming Suckers

August 24, 2020- USGS mesocosms allow study in natural habitat to examine 'death by 1000 cuts'.

A Company at a Crossroads: Huffman hosts Klamath Forum

August 19, 2020- Congressman Huffman hosted tribal leaders, scientists, and PacifiCorp to discuss dam removal.

Don't Let Courts decide Future of Klamath Water

August 17, 2020- Hot weather, little water, and court cases lead to continued challenges in the basin.

The Ancient Lake that Filled the Klamath Basin

August 17, 2020- Through changes over millions of years, historic Lake Modoc became what we see today.

Does Upper Klamath Lake's Elevation Affect Suckers? The Jury's Still Out

August 17, 2020- New study will attempt to assess relationships between sucker survival and lake level.

Our Relationship with Water- TED Radio Hour

August 12, 2020- Water is in crisis and so are we. TED speakers explore our relationship with water.

Court Rules in Favor of Klamath Irrigation District, State Water Rights

August 12, 2020- USBR cannot release water from Upper Klamath Lake for flows down the Klamath River.

Trying to Tame the Klamath River Filled it with Toxic Algae

August 11, 2020- Undoing the damage from a century of river development

Feds Pledge $1.2 Million to Update Klamath Project Science

August 4, 2020- USBR to lead new science initiative to address longstanding water challenges.

Microscopic Organisms Shape Water Quality of Upper Klamath Lake

August 4, 2020- Cyanobacteria blooms drive poor water quality and are a key factor in sucker decline.

Governor Newsom Letter to PacifiCorp on Dam Removal

July 30, 2020- Governor Newsom urge's PacifiCorp to accept FERC's pathway for dam removal.

Notice of Upcoming Karuk Ceremonial Closures on Klamath River

July 22, 2020- The USFS has prohibited some access during the Karuk Tribe World Renewal Ceremonies.

Feds Approve Partial Transfer of Ownership of Four Dams on the Klamath

July 20, 2020- FERC ruling approved, provided that PacifiCorp remain a co-licensee.  KRRC statement.

The 'Kidney' of the Basin- The Story of Lower Klamath Lake

July 20, 2020- No longer a lake, the Lower Klamath Refuge can help improve water quality, if it gets water.

Oregon Tech Students Launch Aeration System on Upper Klamath Lake

July 19, 2020- Innovative effort to increase dissolved oxygen levels to help endangered suckers. 

The State of the Klamath- EcoNews Report Podcast

July 5, 2020- Yurok Tribe talk through the threat of upcoming low flows and fish disease in this 30 minute podcast.

USBR Releases NEPA Documents for Klamath Project Operations 2020-2023

June 30th, 2020- Environmental assessments and findings of no significant impact statements documents are available.

Why Spring and Summer-run Salmonids are so Damn Interesting and Weird

June 26, 2020- The EcoNews Report has a half hour podcast discussing spring chinook and summer steelhead.

10th Spring-run Chinook Symposium Agenda Released

June 25, 2020- This year's Symposium will be virtual. For more information, see the agenda and registration details.

Dry Weather Prompts Scott River Junior Water Rights Holder Restrictions

June 23, 2020- 110 Junior water rights holders must halt diversions to protect endangered coho salmon.

Trout Unlimited Awarded $1.53 Million for Upper Klamath Restoration

June 22, 2020- Eight projects will help improve water quality and habitat in tributaries to Upper Klamath Lake.

Supreme Court Declines to Take Up Klamath Water Users' Case

June 22, 2020- Baley v. US sought 'takings' compensation based on water used to protect endangered species.

KBMP Spring Meeting Agenda

May 11, 2020- Agenda for the spring KBMP webinar.

USBR Seeking Comment on Draft EA for Klamath Project Ops- Due 4/10

April 2, 2020- Comments on the draft Environmental Assessment are due on April 10th. More info here.

KBMP Spring Meeting Update- Webinar Only Event on May 27th

March 30, 2020- Webinar only meeting due to COVID-19. Proposals for talks due on 4/15. More info here.

Yurok Tribe and Others Secure More Water for Klamath Salmon

March 30, 2020- Bureau of Reclamation sets new three-year operating plan, settles lawsuit with more water for river.

Largest US Dam Removal Stirs Debate Over Coveted West Water

March 29, 2020- Dam removal plans and competing demands for water symbolizes a larger struggle in the West. 

New Zealand Mudsnails Found in Klamath River Tributary

November 18, 2019- Invasive species found in Bogus Creek. See a Prevention Guide and Equipment Cleaning Protocol.

2019 Fall KBMP Meeting in Yreka This Week

November 11, 2019- The Fall KBMP meeting will be this Wed/Thurs. See the agenda for details, directions, and webinar info!

KHSA Monitoring Report and Data for 2018 Now Available

August 2, 2019- PacifiCorp has released the final report and data from the 2018 KHSA water quality monitoring season.

ODEQ Issues Draft Temperature TMDL for Upper Klamath and Lost Rivers

May 29, 2019- Public comments are due on July 15th, 2019. View the ODEQ website for the Public Notice, Fact Sheet, and more.

KBMP Fall Meeting to be held in Yreka on November 13-14, 2019

March 21, 2019- Due to a break in funding, the next KBMP meeting will be in November.

New Research is Rewriting the History of Klamath-Trinity Chinook Salmon

January 22, 2019- 'Run time gene' upends historical narrative of spring vs fall runs.

Dam Removal DEIR Finds No Significant Long-Term Water Quality Concerns

January 15, 2019- CA's draft EIR will be available for public comment through Feb. 26th. Link to article.

USBR Releases Final BO for Klamath Project- Effects on Listed Species

December 26, 2018- Proposed action is likely to adversely affect Coho and two sucker species.

McKinleyville Man Helps Save Klamath Salmon - with Math

December 14, 2018- USFWS staff developed formula key to help link fish health to flows.

Presentations from Fall KBMP Meeting Available Online

November 20, 2018- Visit the KBMP Meetings webpage to see PDFs of presentations. 

Klamath Tribes Drop ESA Lawsuit against BOR

October 10, 2018- Withdrawal of lawsuit eases tensions and shifts focus to forthcoming Biological Opinion.

Review the Agenda for the KBMP Fall Meeting in Klamath Falls on Nov 14-15

October 30, 2018- See the agenda here, which includes directions and other information. If you plan on attending, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Solving the West's Wildfire Problem Means Solving Human Problems

October 22, 2018- Use of fire by Native Americans was nearly universal but many hurdles prevent its return.

New Water Quality Lab Dedicated at OIT

October 22, 2018- The Gerda Hyde Watershed Science and Technology Lab opens at ribbon cutting.

Donald Trump Orders Speedup on Klamath Water Project, Others

October 22, 2018- Streamlining environmental reviews and regulations purpose of new memo.

Wildfire Smoke Cools Summer River and Stream Water Temperatures

October 10, 2018- New publication and article identifies role smoke plays in cooling water temperatures in Klamath Basin.

The Elwha's Living Laboratory: Lessons from the World's Largest Dam Removal

October 4, 2018- Salmon restoration was the goal but much more has been learned about how watersheds respond to dam removal.

KBMP Fall Meeting Date Change- November 14-15

September 1, 2018- The KBMP Fall Meeting has been pushed back one day to better align with a meeting on the 16th. More info here.

Tuning Into Klamath Basin Suckers

August 18, 2018- Learn how biologists track juvenile endangered suckers to gather real-time info on survival and location.

After Dam Removal, What the Klamath Basin Needs Next

August 13, 2018- Follow this discussion of the broader picture of restoration efforts in the Klamath Basin.

KRRC Releases Definite Plan for the Lower Klamath Project

June 29, 2018- Definite Plan is part of submittal to FERC in support of dam removal.

Water Users Fight Back in Klamath Project Shut-Off Litigation

June 28, 2018- Klamath Water Users Association filed objections to the Klamath Tribes call for water.

Basin Views Podcast: Don Gentry, Mark Buettner of Klamath Tribes

June 28, 2018- One hour podcast covering water issues, endangered species, tribal rights, and water calls.

USBR Releases 2018 Klamath Project Operations and Drought Plans

June 25, 2018- For more information, please see the news release and USBR website for 2018 plans.

Klamath Tribes File Suit Under ESA to Protect Suckers, Help Salmon

May 24, 2018- Suit requests federal agencies provide sufficient water and address deficiencies in biological opinion.

Proposed Removal of J.C. Boyle Dam: Public Hearing in Klamath Falls, June 12

May 23, 2018- ODEQ seeks comments on the draft water quality certification for removal of J.C. Boyle dam. 

PacifiCorp Lends More Water to Reclamation

May 22, 2018- Approximately 20,000 acre feet of water loaned from reservoirs to irrigators in need.

Emergency Dilution Flows Released from Iron Gate Reservoir

May 7, 2018- USBR to increase flows below Iron Gate to meet court order to mitigate and address disease concerns for coho salmon.

Little Shasta, Big Hart

April 23, 2018- Cal Trout and The Nature Conservancy are partnering on important restoration work in the Shasta. See more here.

Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report Released

April 18, 2018- New report highlights stewardship actions and adaptive management approach. See details here.

Spring KBMP Meeting May 2-3 in Yreka

April 18, 2018- The spring KBMP meeting will be held at the Karuk Community Center in Yreka. See the agenda for details.

Salmon River Spring Chinook Dive Scheduled for July 25

April 18, 2018- Salmon River Restoration Council's annual salmon dive. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve your spot for this epic survey.

Feds Eye Scaling Back Antiparasite Klamath Dam Releases

March 27, 2018- Bureau of Reclamation plans to forgo emergency dilution flows required in 2017 court order.

Sucker Fish Release into Upper Klamath Lake

March 22, 2018- Releases begin for 2,500 2-year old hatchery raised suckers with goals for 100,000 to stave off extinction. 

Klamath River Fish-Kill Preventative Flows Challenged by Farmers, Water Districts

March 15, 2018- New court filing claims flows meant to protect juvenile salmon are 'unnecessary'. 

NMFS Finds Listing of Klamath Spring Chinook may be Warranted

March 11, 2018- 90-day finding on petition to list Klamath Spring Chinook based on new genetic data, continued disease.

Recent Events Support "Fish In Hot Water" Report

March 11, 2018- Listen to the JPR podcast discussing NMFS review of Klamath Spring Chinook listing review.

Another Drought Year Promises to Test Klamath Basin

March 10, 2018- Low snowpack, drought designations, and struggling salmon runs paint a difficult trajectory for the basin

The Rich History of American Rivers

February 18, 2018- NPR podcast discusses how rivers have changed the way American's live, work, and play.

Tribes Seek Higher Water Levels for Upper Klamath Lake

February 14, 2018- Lawsuit notice filed, possibility of extinction level event cited

Linthicum Drafts Bill to Defund Dam Removal

February 14, 2018- Oregon senator introduces bill to prevent PacifiCorp customers from being charged for dam removal.

Water Claims and Confrontations: Irrigators Say State Shows Lack of Support

February 8, 2018- Many questions remain about adjudication, the 2018 water year, and the evaluation of water claims.

Commissioners Delay Making Drought Decision

February 7, 2018- Drought declaration delayed; timing benefits to help irrigators when they need it most.

Annual Return of C'waam Ceremony

February 3, 2018- Return of Lost River Sucker to the Sprague River an important tradition for The Klamath Tribes.

Devestating Summer for Water Users Predicted

February 2, 2018- Current warm and dry winter leave Klamath County commissioners worried about drought.

Klamath Fish Health Workshop on April 3rd in Ashland- Postponed- New Date TBD

January 30, 2018- Presentations on fish health, research, and collaboritive monitoring. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

IFRMP Releases Plan Vision for Klamath River Restoration

January 8, 2018- The collaborative Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan (IFRMP) releases their Plan Vision.

Interior Secretary Nixes Water Agreement: Tribes, Upper Basin Irrigators React

January 3, 2018- The Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement (UKBCA) has been terminated.

Legal or Not, Cannabis Takes a Toll on Nor Cal Watersheds

January 2, 2018- Across the Trinity River and beyond, creeks are drying up and cannabis is to blame.

New Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program Watershed Report

December 15, 2017- KTAP summarizes results from 92 recent restoration projects in 2016 Watershed Report.

KBMP Meeting Presentations Available

November 28, 2017- PDF's of presentations from the latest KBMP meeting are available for viewing here.

Klamath Dam Removal Group Hosting Public Meetings

November 9, 2017- Open House meetings scheduled on 11/7 (Klamath Falls), 11/8 (Yreka), and 11/9 (Eureka). 

KBMP Agenda for November 14-15th Meeting in Klamath Falls, OR

October 9, 2017- The agenda for KBMP's next meeting is now available. Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if attending.

After Its Dams Came Down, a River is Reborn

October 4, 2017- The story of the Elwha River, unleashed.

Klamath River Renewal Corporation Releases CEQA & 401 Certification Document

October 3, 2017- KRRC has submitted a technical support document for the Lower Klamath Project.

No Fishery Relief Funds Again in Congress' $1.2T Spending Bill

September 19, 2017- Despite fisheries disaster declaration, no funding was allocated to support suffering fishermen and tribes. 

Klamath Tribes Issue WQ Report for August

September 15, 2017- Summary of August WQ in Agency Lake and UKL: die off of adult suckers, cyanobacteria bloom, and other issues.

Blue-Green Algae Blooms Worsen Throughout the Basin

September 1, 2017- Newest data shows increasing microcystin concentrations from Upper Klamath Lake to the Estuary. See BGA page for details and PLEASE, AVOID SWIMMING IN THE MAINSTEM KLAMATH until further notice. NEWS RELEASE UPDATE (9/21/17)

Fires Rage Across the Klamath Basin

8/31/17- Regional wildfire map shows increasing fire danger across the basin. Be safe everyone!

Karuk Tribe Seeks to List Klamath River Salmon as Endangered

August 21, 2017- Spring Chinook have been found to be genetically distinct from fall Chinook. Karuk Tribe will petition for listing.

One Fish, Two Fish: Ancient DNA May Rrewrite the Life Story of Spring Chinook

August 17, 2017- New research identifies key genetic difference between spring and fall Klamath Chinook. Article and research paper.

Job Opportunity- Water Project Coordinator for Trout Unlimited in So. OR

August 17, 2017- Trout Unlimited is hiring. Help conserve and recover Oregon's native salmon, trout, and riverine ecosystems.

Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan Synthesis Report

August 15, 2017- The newly released IFRMP Synthesis Report will help wisely allocate funds to support effective restoration.

Klamath Basin Students Head to Chile for Dialog on Dams

August 14, 2017- Students from both countries share solidarity and tour of rivers with dams in mind.

The Latest Water Argument: The WOTUS Rule

August 9, 2017- Jefferson Public Radio hosts a 22 minute discussion of the fate of Waters of the United States rule.

Toxic Waste From US Pot Farms Alarms Experts

August 7, 2017- Illegal marijuana farms pollution is far worse than previously thought

Rios to Rivers: Klamath and Chilean Youth's Three-Week Journey Down Klamath

August 3, 2017- Fifty teens and mentors paddle from the upper basin to the mouth to raise awareness for their respective rivers.

Spring Chinook Salmon hit 2nd Lowest Population Size in 20 Years

August 1, 2017- Once numbering in the hundreds of thousands, last week's Salmon River dive found only 110 Spring-run Chinook.

Officials: Bill would End Trinity Fish Disease Preventive Flows, County Water Right

July 31, 2017- US House bill would redirect more Trinity River water to Central Valley irrigators, override recent court rulings.

All About Algae: The Good and Bad in Upper Klamath Lake

July 31, 2017- A primer on cyanobacteria and Upper Klamath Lake. History, monitoring, and what to do next.

How Farming Inside Wildlife Refuges is Transforming Klamath Basin Agriculture

July 27, 2017- Part three of a three part series on the wildlife refuges in the Klamath Basin. 21 minute audio overview of series.

Birds Take Backseat to Fish, Farms in the Klamath Basin

July 26, 2017- First of a three part series on the wildlife refuges in the Klamath Basin. 

What Happens to Birds When Wildlife Refuges Dry Up?

July 26, 2017- Second of a three part series on the wildlife refuges in the Klamath Basin.

Klamath River Renewal Project: Field Activity Advisory

July 11, 2017- Summary of planned field activities for 2017.

Copco Reservoir Posted for Blue-Green Algae

July 7, 2017- Copco Reservoir was posted at the Warning Tier 1 level based on microcystin toxins found on June 25th. See results and press release

Salmon River Dive and 9th Spring-run Chinook Symposium, July 25-28

July 7, 2017- Spring Chinook training and dive 25th-26th, Symposium on 27th, field tours on 28th. Symposium registration and agenda.

Public Review Draft of IFRMP Synthesis Report Available for Comments

June 7, 2017- Comments on the Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan being accepted until July 7th.

Blue-Green Algae Health Advisory Issued for an Area of Upper Klamath Lake

June 7, 2017- Blue-green algae toxins exceed Oregon thresholds at Eagle Lake County Park. 

Veterinarian Reference for Blue-Green Algae Released

May 23, 2017- A fact sheet is now available for vets to understand, diagnose, treat, and report blue-green algae illnesses.

Beaver Dam Analogue Workshop in Scott Valley: June 19th - 22nd

May 22, 2017- Learn the theory and practice of restoring rivers, streams, and floodplains at this upcoming training.

Klamath Tribes Call for Agreement Termination

May 19, 2017- Termination is requested due to unmet stipulations in the Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement. 

Nearly Half of CA's Native Salmon on Track to be Extinct within 50 Years

May 17, 2017- Important study highlights threats to salmonids, including climate change, dams, agriculture, and urbanization. 

USBR Releases Long-Term Plan to Protect Adult Salmon in Lower Klamath

April 21, 2017- Final Environmental Impact Statement issued to guide response to prevent future fish die-offs.

OWRD Responds to Tribes' Call on Water

April 18, 2017- Call for water on Sprague and Williamson Rivers protects instream flows needed to replenish riparian habitat.

Coho Enhancement Fund and Habitat Restoration Program Open House

April 14, 2017- Open house planned for discuss RFP, eligibilty, application, etc. on May 10 in Yreka.

USBR Releases 2017 Annual Operations Plan for Klamath Project

April 11, 2017- Annual Operations Plan describes expected water supply, irrigation, conservation, and operations. 

Fisheries Managers Close 200 Miles of West Coast to Salmon Fishing

April 11, 2017- Record low run of Klamath chinook results in total salmon closure from Port Orford, OR to Eureka, CA.  

USGS Releases Interactive Map for Historic Water Quality Trends

April 11, 2017- Map reveals long term trends for water quality in our nations rivers and streams over the last four decades.

Klamath River Salmon Season Faces Closure due to 'Unprecedented' Forecast

March 27, 2017- Sport and commercial salmon fishing could be completely closed due to projections of the lowest return on record.

KBMP Spring 2017 Meeting in Klamath, CA on March 15th and 16th

March 14, 2017- Agenda includes 15 talks, field trip to Terwer Creek restoration site. 

Ocean Salmon Fishery Closures Proposed to Protect Klamath River Fish

March 14, 2017- Advisory panel sees the worst outlook for fisheries that depend on Klamath since 2008.

Klamath River Dam Removal Plan on Track as Administration Shifts

March 3, 2017- Despite uncertainty, the removal of four dams on the Klamath is still on schedule for a 2020 demolition.

Job Opening- Willamette Partnership Project Manager

March 3, 2017- Now hiring for a Clean Water Project Manager for Willamette Partnership's Portland office. Job posting here, closing on 4/1/17.

Job Opening- TNC Director of Freshwater Programs

February 22, 2017- The Nature Conservancy is hiring for their Portland office. Applications due by 3/13/17.

2016 Fall Chinook Megatable Released

February 17, 2017- 2016 Klamath fall Chinook salmon run-size estimated to be lowest on record, going back to 1978, per CDFW report

The Eternal Squeeze: Klamath Basin Water

February 13, 2017- Battles over water sent to fish in 2001 in court again as another court rules for more water for fish in 2017. 

Reclamation to Release Water Below Iron Gate Dam to Address Fish Health Concerns

February 10, 2017- Pulse flow begins 2/10 at noon, ramps up to 9,600 cfs for 24 hours, ramp down over three days.

Court Orders Extra Water to Protect Salmon

February 8, 2017-  Low flows in Klamath River cause irrparable harm to juvenile salmon, court rules for pulse flow and other actions.

Spring KBMP Meeting Agenda Released

February 6, 2017- The agenda is now available for the March 15th-16th meeting in Klamath, CA at the Yurok Tribe Community Room

Judge to Order Feds, Tribes to Work Together on new Klamath River Flow Plan

January 30,2017- Expected order sides with tribes regarding low flows and higher than allowed juvenile disease rates.

Grazing Halted to Study Impacts on Oregon Spotted Frog

January 30, 2017- Grazing on 68,000 acres in Fremont-Winema National Forest temporarily halted.

Klamath Farmers Look for Compensation for 16 Year-Old Irrigation Cuts

January 30, 2017- Cut off of irrigation water for fish during drought was federal taking without compensation.

Third Oregon Climate Assessment Report Outlines Acute Risks to State

January 24, 2017- New report documents threats such as erosion, flooding, wildfires, and decreased snowpack. 

USGS Estimates Nutrient and Suspended Sediment Loads into Upper Klamath Lake

January 24, 2017- State-of-the-art science estimates phosphorous and suspended sediment loads using continuous monitoring data.

River Restoration Northwest Symposium- February 7th-9th

January 10, 2017- Three days of talks, including a session on the Klamath! Registration here for this symposium at Skamania Lodge in Washington.

CA's Citizen Scientist 2017 Calendar Released

January 10, 2017- State Water Resources Control Board releases their annual Citizen Scientist Calendar of events, activities, and other great links. 

Bird and Vegetation Monitoring Report Card for Trinity River

January 10, 2017- The Klamath Bird Observatory and Trinity River Restoration Program summarized restoration progress using this unique and easy to understand report card.

Using New Technology to Pinpoint Water Contamination Sources

December 29, 2016- New DNA-based technique determines source of bacterial contamination.  

PNW to Roll Out Columbia Basin Salmonid Mapping Tool

December 29, 2016- Innovative online mapping software will track salmonid populations. Press Release and Map

The Open and Transparent Water Data Act

December 29, 2016- Future CA water funding will require data sharing, transparency, documentation, and quality control.

Salmonid Restoration Federation Announces 35th Conference

December 21, 2016- "Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs" at the March 29-April 1, 2017 conference.

Project Maps Aquatic DNA Across the West

12/20/16- A USFS team examines water samples for environmental DNA to identify what aquatic species lives upstream

EPA Releases Draft Recreational HAB Toxin Criteria

December 14, 2016- Links to EPA website here for proposed notice, fact sheet, and draft criteria to protect human health.

Spring KBMP Meeting on March 15th-16th in Klamath, CA

December 9, 2016- The Yurok Tribe will be hosting the 20th KBMP General Meeting. More info here.

Scientists Working on 1st Major Map of All Aquatic Species in Western US

November 28, 2016- Collection of Environmental DNA samples would provide unprescedented view into biodiversity.

KBMP Fall 2016 Meeting Presentations Available

November 22, 2016- Presentations from the recent, and previous meetings, can be reviewed here

Will Klamath River Salmon Thrive Again After Dams are Gone?

November 22, 2016- Dam removal is only one part of restoring a river and its inhabitants. 

Dam Removal Case Studies

October 20th, 2016- Six dam removal case studies on the fiscal, economic, environmental, and social benefits of dam removal.

USBR Releases Draft EIR on Long-Term Plan to Protect Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River

October 14, 2016- Open house and public hearing scheduled. Comments due on draft EIR by Dec 5th.

KBMP Fall Meeting Agenda Released

October 6th, 2016- Meeting in Yreka, CA on November 9th and 10th. Agenda and details. RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New Technology Helps Pinpoint Sources of Water Contamination

October 6, 2016- PhyloChip can detect presence of 60,000 species of bacteria, better than traditional sampling.

No Going Back: A CalTrout Video on Fish and Farming

September 21, 2016- A story about creating fish abundance in a working agricultural landscape. Video- 12 minutes.

Tribes, Feds Discussing Solution to Klamath River Salmon Infections

September 6, 2016- Karuk and Yurok Tribes to work with feds on flow changes to protect salmon, hold off on lawsuit.

UC Test Projects Help Scott Valley Rancher Conserve Water

September 1, 2016- To address water conflict, ranchers' center-pivot irrigation improves yields, uses less water

Scott Valley Pioneers Instream Flow and Groundwater Management

August 26, 2016- New flow and groundwater activities could set an example for balanced use in California.

Feds, Tribes React to Trinity Water Releases

August 26, 2016- Supplamental flows will extend into late September to protect fall salmon run. 

Reclamation to Release Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir

August 24, 2016- Flows will supplement Lower Klamath River. Environmental documents also released here.

Tribal Consortium Seeks Input on Upper Klamath Water Quality Improvement Plan

August 23, 2016- The Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium has released its non-regulatory Upper Klamath Basin Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment and Management Program Plan for public comment. Comments due September 18, 2016.

Ich Found in Klamath River

August 19, 2016- Latest sampling by Yurok Tribe finds severely infected fish. See the latest technical memo here

California Water Quality Monitoring Council Releases Harmful Algal Bloom Portal

August 18, 2016- New website features map based reporting and cyanobacteria information. Press Release and Fact Sheet.

More KBMP News...